Category : PLC
Project : HABAS HSM
Description : 7 Rolling Stands
Year : 2015
Customer : HABAS Steel - TURKEY
Platform : LogiCad
Next Project


Project Target

The target of the project was to design, prepare, test and commission a process automation software according to customer's specifications. Part of our task was also to participate on designing of Profibus and EtherCat hw configuration.

Project made for SMS Siemag AG Germany

Technical data

- Platform : LogiCad

- Technology : Hot Strip Mill

- Fieldbus : ProfiBus, EtherCat

- Diagnostic : IbaAnalyzer

Profibus and EtherCat project engineering:

The implemantation and configuration of hardware signals from devices (limit switches, level switches and transducers, position transducers, drives...).

Roll change control:

The system for fast change of work rolls in automatic mode (sequentional steps logic) and for backup rolls change.

Hydraulic systems control:

Controlling of all hydraulic systems supporting pressured oil for hydraulic movements in the rolling mill, systems supporting lubrication oil and systems delivering cooling water.

Material cooling:

The system controling cooling valves to support right amount of cooling water for material in each part of rolling mill.

Main drives control:

The control of all drives of each rolling stands and its communication with the invertor.

Integration Test:

Integration test was done in Germany at SMS Siemag AG company. Our parts of project software were merged together with the rest of project software and tested all together.


The commissioning was done at ultimate customer in Turkey. The main supplier of the whole technology and master of the commisioning was SMS Siemag AG company. We participated in commissioning included hw signal check, movements check and optimalization of control loops, manual and automatic function check and production start.

Your succes is our interest.