Category : | HMI |
Project : | SDI |
Description : | HMI Modernization |
Year : | 2017 |
Customer : | Steel Dynamics Inc. - USA |
Platform : | WinCC |
The main target of this project was to modernize and improve existing HMI software.
First step was to analyse the original software written for the FactoryLink platform and to prepare a new solution for WinCC platform with more modern and better arranged design including new functions.
Second step was to design and program parts of HMI (Human Machine Interface) according to the result of the study of original software from the customer.
Project made for SMS Site Services Inc. USA
- Original platform: Factory Link
- New Platform : WinCC (Win, Win Server)
- Technology : Hot Strip Mill
- Hardware : Server, Redundancy seerver, 25 clients
- Communications : TCP/IP, ODBC, RFM, SQL
- Number of external tags: 23291
- Number of internal tags: 44487
- Number of tags : 67778
Screens that are collecting all important information for operators or maintainance staff at one place.
Screens of hydraulic system supporting oil for hydraulical movements.
Screens showing status of all controllers of movements in each rolling stand.
Screens showing roll change sequence step by step, conditions to execute next step, data of incoming roll set, status of movements, status of roll change drives...
Screens showinng positions of rolled coils and positions of material head and end.
Screens of cooling system preparing cooling water for all parts of rolling mill.
Screens showing the status of the down coiler.
Screens showing the status of exit section for transporting the coils from the rolling process.
Overview of all drives of rolling mill, switching them ON or OFF.
Screens for diagnosis to see the status of each part of system.
Screens with errors and warnings overview and posibility to filter them for better investigation of problem.
Screens handling data exchange from and to superior systems.
The exchange of old hardware for HMI to new one with WinCC platform and the commissioning and optimalization of the new software.
The technical support by means of the remote desktop and service portal during the sharp production. The remote control technical support allows fast reaction in case of production troubles and rapidly decrease eventual financial losses.